donderdag, september 29, 2011

An update on the activities of Father Leo Elders

A few months ago we reported on some recent publications and activities of the Dutch Thomist, Father Leo Elders s.v.d. The new academic year now well underway, we can offer some update on that report. During the summer Father Elders went on his usual trip to the USA and Latin-America, this year in particular to Chile and Argentina, where he gave several lectures (here you can see some pictures of a lecture he gave at the Major Seminary of the Diocese of San Bernardo (Chile) and participated in the Semana Tomista, giving a paper on Cajetan.
Another yearly event will be his participation at the 32th Theological Conference at the University of Navarra (Pamplona-Spain) where he will give a paper on Jacques Maritain. On the way to Pamplona, he will as usual make a stop at the Abbey of Fontgombault (France) to give a talk to the monks there.
He is continuing his work on Aquinas's commentaries on Aristotle and hopes to publish a further installment in that series very soon.
An extremely interesting article - look at the subtitle!- will be published very soon in Dutch entitled: "The situation of the faith and the Catholic Church in the Netherlands in the years after the Vatican Council. How the decline of the Catholic Church in the Netherlands at the turn of the century was made possible and promoted by theological theories in the sixties and seventies".
We offer below a list of his publications in the year 2011:
  • La vie morale selon saint Thomas d’Aquin. Une éthique des vertus. Parole et Silence/Presses Universitaires de l’IPC, Paris, 2011, 336 p. ISBN 978-2-84573-974-1. 
  • Splendeur du vrai. L’encyclique Veritatis splendor, in : L’Homme Nouveau, 2, 2011, pp. 51-52. 
  • La “Expositio in Psalmum” 50 de Santo Tomás de Aquino, in: Piotr Roszak (ed.), El comentario de Santo Tomás de Aquino al Salmo 50 (51): Traducción y Estudios, Pamplona 2011, pp. 51-66 (Cuadernos de Anuario Filosófico – Serie Universitaria 236) 
  • La tolérance selon saint Thomas d’Aquin, in: Sedes sapientiae 29/1 (2011, nr. 115), pp. 21-42. 
  • Introduction, in: Thomas d’Aquin, Commentaire sur Isaïe par saint Thomas d'Aquin. Traduction des moines de l'Abbaye Notre-Dame de Fontgombault, Introduction de Leo J. Elders, Presses universitaires de l'IPC - Parole et silence, Paris 2011, pp. v-xxii. 
  • La présence de saint Grégoire le Grand dans les œuvres de saint Thomas d’Aquin, in: Nova & Vetera (Fribourg) 86 (2011/2), 155-180. 
  • La Sententia in Librum Ethicorum de Santo Tomás de Aquino, in : Tomás de Aquino, Comentador de Aristóteles, ed. Héctor Velázquez, Universidad Panamericana, México D.F., 2010, 43-73. 
  • Las conversiones al catolicismo en Japón: ayer y hoy, in : Juan Alonso y J. José Alviar (edit.), Conversión cristiana y evangelización, XXXI Simposio de Teología (2010).Eunsa, Pamplona 2011, 259-268. 
  • La pensée sur l’homme de Maìtre Eckhart et l’anthropologie de Thomas d’ Aquin, in : Marie-Anne Vannier (edit.), La création chez Eckhart et Nicolas de Cues, Paris (Cerf), 2011,159-177. 
  • Teorías filosóficas y desviaciones en la expresión de la fe. La razón en la elaboración y la defensa de la doctrina de la fe, in Miguel Ayuso, Álvaro Pezoa y José Louís Widow (edit.), Razón y Tradición. Estudios en honor de Juan Antonio Widow, Vol. 1, Santiago de Chile 2011, 175-190. 
  • Historiografía cristiana. Eusebio de Cesarea y San Agustín, in Paola Corti B., Rodrigo Moreno, José Luís Widow (editores), Historia, Memoria y Narración, Ediciones Altazor, Viña del Mar, 2011, 43-54. 
  • Los santuarios de la Virgen María en los Países Bajos, in Scripta de María, Instituto Mariológico de  Torreciudad, II, VIII, 2011, 367-396.
For those who want to follow the activities of Leo Elders, we can refer to his website and to

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